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international digital festival 08 - 09 Novembre 2012, Namur, Belgium

Hector Ayuso

A Crisis Is A Terrible Thing To Waste - Festival opening


24 novembre 2011 de 10:00 - 10:45

After a quick and fun introduction about myself and my background before OFFF, I will talk about nex theme for OFFF Barcelona 2012 "A Crisis Is A Terrible Thing To Waste". It is no coincidence that this matter have become a subject of debate here at the OFFF core, from up in the stage down to every corner and conversation since Oeiras 2008. It's no coincidence because it puts into words something that's already imprinted in our DNA: The Survival instinct.

In a time where good news are rare, the best way to reemerge is to go out armed with energy and imagination. We've overcome the worst, and after doing Tabula Rasa, we have a blank slate to focus on becoming that which we always wanted to be. Because it's not about the digital tools that have changed our lives and will always be there for us, and it's not about the latest plug-in we downloaded, it's about something more important: What's the story? What do we want to tell? Because we are here, above all, to tell and to hear stories.

So we have to make this "time out" counts: let's make a good estimate for spending money on ourselves, because it will be the best investment we can do nowadays.


Cette conférence sera interprétée par les étudiants en master en interprétation de conférence de l'Ecole d'Interprètes Internationaux de l'Université de Mons
